The Historic 10th Street Bridge over the Missouri River.
Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana.
"Hands Across the Bridge" brought Montanans out in force: homemakers, farmers, doctors, seniors and students, we all joined hands in solid support of resurrecting a 1920 architectural masterpiece: the Historic Tenth Street Pedestrian Bridge in Great Falls, Montana.
Thanks to grassroots donations, grants and awards, we have raised over $1 million so far. We're proud of our hard work, but here in the center of Big Sky Country, we don't have a big population, and we, the members of Preservation Cascade, are looking for a helping hand to span the final arches of the longest remaining bridge of its kind in the Great Plains states.
Won't you become a bridge builder?
A lot of water has flowed under our precious Bridge since it was saved from demolition. We've listed the Bridge on the National Register of Historic Places, and a grant from the prestigious Save America's TreasuresProgram enabled us to employ talented local artisans to create a model arch at the north end (see above photo). Unsightly abandoned utility lines have been removed. A tunnel has been burrowed through the bulkhead in order to integrate the Bridge with Great Falls' flagship River's Edge Trail.
Soon a spectacular series of blue lights will illuminate the graceful arches of this "monument above the Missouri River".
The Tenth Street Bridge preservation project has received honors from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the National Geographic Society, the State of Montana, the Cascade County Historical Society, the Society of Industrial Archeology and the Montana Contractors Association.
Great Falls is undergoing a renaissance of historic preservation. We're recognizing our unique architectural treasures and working to preserve and adaptively reuse them Once restored as a linear urban parkway, our Bridge will serve as a crown jewel in the city's renewal efforts. For further details, visit the links within this site.
Please extend your hand by offering a generous tax-deductible donation to complete restoration of the Bridge. Your help will be appreciated for generations.